We make a point of eco-friendliness in our business activities at every step of the process, from product development to procurement of raw materials, manufacturing, use by customers, and ultimately disposal. We independently and proactively work toward both conservation and improvement of the global environment.
We comply with laws and regulations related to environmental conservation, and work toward local and global environmental conservation.
We help contribute to mitigation of climate change by pushing ahead with reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased energy efficiency.
We promote sustainable use of water and other resources, and waste reduction and recycling in every step of the product life cycle — from development to procurement, manufacturing, and use by customers — in order to contribute to the development of a recycling-oriented society and sustainable consumption.
We take conservation of biodiversity into account in our business activities, to contribute to society’s coexistence with the natural world.
We push ahead with proper management of chemical substances and proper disposal of hazardous waste products and wastewater, to prevent environmental pollution both locally and globally.
Waste Reduction Initiatives

We work to reduce losses during manufacturing, and to improve our products to reduce waste at every step of the way, from manufacturing to use by customers.

Energy Efficiency Initiatives

Our Research Center uses windows high up on the central atrium stairwell walls to provide natural lighting, and uses a system designed to bring that natural light to every room on every floor, to help reduce energy used on artificial lighting. We also make a point of choosing energy-efficient options when replacing or installing new equipment, such as LED lighting.

Water Resource Conservation Initiatives

As a step toward conservation of our nearby water resources, we have installed a wastewater treatment facility at the plant where we make our tape products. This facility evaporates the water used during production, enabling us to dispose of the solid residues.

Regional Development Initiatives

We are patrons of the Shusui Museum of Art, as our way of contributing to the cultural enrichment of the region. We are also enthusiastic supporters of our local sports teams here in Toyama, among our various efforts to support regional development.